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| OMG ! his like justin bieber ! 27 Okt 2012 • comment • Add comment {0}
korang ! ada sorang budak nie sebijik giler mcm justin bieber !
justin bieber junior ! hahaha
dri rancangan realiti
X Factor 2012 Audition USA
tgk nie gmbr dia !! comel ! :D
suara dia pun mcm justin bieber !!!
his profile :
You guys know from previous profiles on my blog of talented singers, Brendan Macfarland and Jacob Whitesides, that I love to showcase music from young, up and coming artists. This week is no different as I profile Reed Deming.
The 13-year-old from San Antonio, Texas gained national attention on "The X-Factor" and made it all the way to the judges' homes round, ultimately falling short of the live shows.
Despite that, Deming's voice is incredible and many fans are calling for his return on the show as a wildcard. For his sake, I hope this happens because he has such a unique and powerful voice for his age.
I would describe his voice as alternative pop/rock. According to his website Deming also plays guitar and saxophone, dances and acts making him a "triple threat" as an artist. Deming's songwriting and performance skills go well beyond his years and that will take him a long way.
Below is his cover of Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody" and check out Reed's Facebook and Twitter for more!
dgr nie lagu2 dia ! :
click here !
nk tgok semua gmbr2 dia ??
click here !